What Are the Most Popular Lucky Symbols in Personalized Jewelry?
“Give a man but luck and he’ll run through all the dangerous difficulties, both of sea and land, with success, and seldom or never fail of being happy, even beyond his own hopes. ’Tis wonderful how some person thrive an-end in the world, and seem to prosper upon their very losses.”—Oswald Dykes.
The Nature of Luck
Luck is an explanation we give to the good and bad things that happen perchance, an ascription we use to give meaning to accidental events. Some people believe that luck is the force that causes good things to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities. Others take the view that luck comes from open-minded thinking; happens when you keep your mind open to all the opportunities life presents.According to Brian Tracy,the leading motivational speaker and author of the USA,“luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.”
Cultural Beliefs and Symbols of Luck
Although there is no exact definition, millions of people believe that luck is best explained as the faith or superstition that people has in it. Cultures around the world put their faith in inexplicable symbols, beliefs and religions since time began. Whether it’s a charm, talisman, or statue, humans have been using good luck charms for thousands of years for anything from bringing financial success to keeping off evil. Some good luck charms are seen throughout many cultures while some are special to a certain civilization. Luck is symbolized by a wide range of objects, gems, symbols, numbers, plant and animal life, which vary significantly worldwide. The meaning of each symbol is rooted in either faith, folklore, legends, tradition, esotericism, necessity or a combination thereof.
Giliarto’s Custom Good Luck Jewelry
Giliarto provides you the opportunity to create online your own special and personal good luck jewelry with your particular message on one of the below widespread symbols of luck and good fortune charms.
Four-leaf clover is the most well-known Celtic good luck symbol. Tradition holds that you are lucky if you find a white clover that has four leaves. Each leaf of the clover has a specific meaning namely, faith, hope, love, and luck. Legend goes that when Eve was cast out from the Garden of Eden she took a four-leaf clover along for good luck. Children in the middle ages believed that they could see fairies if they carried a four-leaf clover.
Acorn and oak trees bring good fortune according to Norse (Viking) culture. Vikings placed a lone acorn on their windowsills to protect their houses from lightning strikes. This and the plenty of acorns in some years make the acorn a perfect symbol for power, fertility, and survival.
Ladybird is considered a herald of good luck and prosperity. The ladybird has been and still is used as a talisman for safety and protection against all harm. The stronger the color red is on the ladybug, the better your luck will be. Killing a ladybug is considered extremely bad luck. It is also a common practice to hold the ladybug in one's hand and make a wish.
Frogs are symbols of friendship and abundance in many cultures. For the ancient Romans the frog was believed to bring good luck to one's home. It is also said to attract true friends and to help find long-lasting love. An extremely popular frog is the Chinese three-legged money frog, so-called Feng Shui frog. It is claimed that this frog will bring good fortune and prosperity into the home.
Scarab dates back to Ancient Egypt, where it was considered good luck beetle. As a symbol of the rising sun the amulet represented rebirth, regeneration, eternal life and gave immense protection against evil to the bearer. The scarab is a popular amulet for the ‘living’ and might be made from semi-precious stones, stone or pottery, glazed blue or green.
Horseshoe is another ancient powerful good luck charm. A legend of Saint Dunstan from the 10th century says he trapped the devil using a horseshoe. From then on, the devil would never enter a home embellished with a horseshoe over the door. Some legends say that an upward-facing horseshoe gathers luck, while a downward-facing horseshoe showers you with luck.
Coins have a long history of bringing good luck. They are the obvious symbol of prosperity and wealth. Almost everywhere on the planet it is deemed good luck to spot a coin in your footpath and pick it up. Coins that are crooked or have holes in them are luckiest of all. Early American thin silver coins were bent twice to ward off witches, while a single bend attested to a loved one.
A key is one of the oldest lucky charms. The one who presents the other with a key will be lucky in love. The Greeks used one key as a symbol for knowledge and life. In Japanese culture, three keys worn together are considered to unlock the doors of love, health, and wealth. It is also used as a means to ward off nightmares and ensures a good night's sleep.
The Latin Cross has come to be a symbol of Christianity, but it was regarded as a magical symbol and a religious and lucky sign for centuries before the Christian era. It has been found in parts of the world the message of Christianity never reached. It brought good luck and diverted evil. In most pagan religions the cross represents the tree of life. Others say it represents the human form.
Ankh is an Egyptian cross symbolizing life and immortality. It is considered to the key of life, and was used as the lucky symbol by the Pharaohs. When the Egyptians were converted to Christianity in the first century AD, they used both the ankh and the Christian cross as their symbols of belief. Most people who wear an Ankh carry it on a chain around their neck.
The hand is a powerful symbol of good luck in a number of cultures all over the world. The symbol is seen as representative of domination, strength, protection and spiritual power. Ancient Europeans believed that holding hand up could protect against the evil eye. The Hand of Fatima is worn as a good luck symbol, with the five fingers symbolic of faith, pilgrimage, prayer, fasting and charity.
The Evil Eye is a luck charm, which protects a person or an object against misfortune. Historically, the evil eye is found throughout many ancient cultures. When a person wears or carries an evil eye with them it guards against misfortune and from bad things happening in one's life. It is known to ward off any envious or ill-wishing look, thrown towards the wearer.
Elephant charms are very popular and worn by millions worldwide as a general good luck symbol. In Asian culture longevity, strength, and wisdom are associated with elephants. The most common belief is that the trunk has to be up for good luck. A few believe it is better if the trunk is down because this means the elephant lets good fortune flow freely and naturally on everyone’s path.
Buddha charms and statues are available in many styles and designs. The Laughing Buddha with his round belly and big smile is a symbol of good luck, abundance, and prosperity. Laughing Buddha is based on the life of a Buddhist monk who lived in the 10th century China. He was a bit too eccentric for a monk, but his loving ways and cheerful look soon earned him many followers.
Dolphins are considered as symbols of freedom, protection and good luck in many different cultures. Ancient sailors who spent several months or years away from land found that seeing dolphins swimming around their ships to be the first clear sign that land was near. Dolphin imagery in jewelry and silver pieces was seen as good luck.
Conclusion on Good Luck Symbols
Beside the above mentioned lucky symbols there are many other signs from around the world, which may bring you fortune. The plenty of good luck symbols ensures that you can find one you'll like. Maybe these good luck symbols work because our attitude and behavior changes according to what we believe. It could be our thoughts and the action we take when we believe something to be true to actually make things happen accordingly.
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